M# Links Menu

The commands in the M# Links menu are used to create and edit the M# Links on a structure model.

M# Links | Measurement Axes

This command opens and closes the Measurement Axes tab, as shown below.

The Measurement Axes at each Point allow you to mount each sensor in the most convenient direction at each Point

Structure Showing Cylindrical Measurement Axes.

To display the Measurement Axes for a Point,

Measurement Axes

Axes Symbols


X, Y, Z


R (radial), T (tangential), Z (axial)


R (radial), T (tangential), P (elevation)


H (horizontal), V (vertical), A (axial)

Rotating the Measurement Axes

Rotational Increment

Reset button

M# Links | Links Editor

This command opens and closes the M# Links Editor tab, as shown below.  This tab displays the current M# Links at each selected Point.

Each M# in a Data Block or Acquisition window has a unique M#
Each shape DOF in the M#s spreadsheet of a Shape Table has a unique M#

Measured M# Links

Interpolated M# Links

Fixed DOFs

Animation Equation Tab.

Different types of M# Links can be created at each Point,

Translation M# Links

Scalar M# Links

Machine Rotations M# Links

FEA Rotations M# Links

Examining the M# Links

Links Editor Tab Showing Measured M# Links.

M# Links | Create M# Links

Creates M# Links for all (or selected) Points on the structure mode.

This command is the same as Animate | Create M# Links in a Data Block, Acquisition or Shape Table window.

M# Links | Create Interpolated M# Links

Creates M# Links for all (or selected) Points & directions that don't have Measured M# L:inks

When this command is executed, the dialog box shown below is opened.

Each Point has one of the following types of Measurement Axes,

Measurement Axes

Axes Symbols


X, Y, Z


R (radial), T (tangential), Z (axial)


R (radial), T (tangential), P (elevation)


H (horizontal), V (vertical), A (axial)

In dialog box above, you can specify the maximum number of nearest Measured &Fixed DOFs to be used when creating each Interpolated M# Link.

M# Links | Interpolated to Measured Links

This command converts the Interpolated M# Links to Measured M# Links for all (or selected) Points.

When this command is executed, the dialog box shown below is opened.

M# Links | Fix directions

This command is used to fix directions of all (or selected) Points so that they will not move in the fixed directions during animation. When this command is executed, the dialog box shown below is opened.

M# Links | Fixed to Un-Linked directions

This command is used to convert as Fixed directions to un-linked directions for all (or selected) Points. When this command is executed, the dialog box shown below is opened.

M# Links | Delete M# Links

This command is used to delete the M# Links for all (or selected) Points and changes them to Interpolated M#s with no link. When this command is executed, the dialog box shown below is opened.

M# Links | Show M# Links

When this command is executed, a dialog box is opened giving a choice of the type of Links or Fixed DOFs to display.

Measured M# Links

If checked,Measured M# Links are displayed at each selected Point.

Measured M# Links Displayed on the Model

Interpolated M# Links

If checked, Interpolated M# Links are displayed at each selected Point.

Fixed DOFs

If checked, Fixed directions are displayed at each selected Point.

Fixed DOFs Displayed on the Model.

M# Links | Select M#s

This command is used to select measurements (M#s) in the current Animation Source using the M# Links of selected Points.