Edit | Sort M#s

Sorts (re-orders) all (or selected) M#s in the M#s spreadsheet of a Shape Table.

NOTE:  Each component of a shape has a unique M#.  M#s are used by the Animation equations in a connected Structure window to retrieve shape component data for display in animation.

When this command is executed, the dialog box below opens;

All M#s that don't satisfy the criterion in the Sort Using list will follow the sorted M#s in the sorted order.

Sort DOFs By Dialog box.

By Units

Sorts M#s by their Engineering Units.


Sorts M#s by their DOF;

DOF = Roving DOF : Reference DOF [Measurement Set]

By Roving DOF

Sorts M#s by their Roving DOF;

DOF = Roving DOF : Reference DOF

By Reference DOF

Sorts M#s by their Reference DOF;

DOF = Roving DOF : Reference DOF

By Point

Sorts M#s by their Roving DOF Point number;

DOF = Roving (Point Number & Direction) : Reference DOF.

By Direction

Sorts M#s by their Roving direction;

DOF = Roving (Point Number & direction) : Reference DOF.

By Rectangular Matrix DOFs

Sorts M#s that form a rectangular matrix of rows & columns based on their DOFs.

By Measurement Type

Sorts M#s by their Measurement Type.

By Measurement Set

Sorts M#s by their Measurement Set number;

DOF = Roving DOF : Reference DOF [Measurement Set]

By Data Type

Sorts M#s by their Data Type.

By Label

Sorts M#s by their text Label.

By Input Output

Sorts M#s by their Input Output.

By Acoustic Source

Sorts M#s by their Acoustic Source text name.