Display | Complexity Plot

Opens the Complexity Plot window.

This command can be executed from either a Data Block or a Shape Table.

Normal Shape

An FEA model with no damping yields normal mode shapes.
All phases of a normal mode shape are 0 & 180 degrees.

Complex Shape

Experimental mode shapes can be complex shapes for a number of reasons;

  1. Real structures with heavy damping in them can have complex mode shapes

  2. Measurement errors can introduce arbitrary phases into the shape component estimates

  3. Curve fitting errors can introduce arbitrary phases into the shape component estimates

Shape Table Complexity Plot

A Shape Table Complexity Plot displays the magnitudes & phases
for all (or selected) shapes
for all (or selected) M#s,

Shape Table Complexity Plot.

Data Block Complexity Plot

A Data Block Complexity Plot displays the magnitudes & phase
all (or selected) M# values
at the current Cursor position.  

Data Block Complexity Plot.

Normalized Shapes on the Complexity Plot

When complex shapes are "normalized", they behave like normal shapes.

To rotate the normalization line to a different position,

  1. Click & drag near the normalization line on the Complexity Plot

  2. Or execute Display | Set Normalization Angle, and enter an angle into the dialog box.

Complexity Plot with Shape Normalization Turned ON.

MPC (Modal Phase Colinearity)

If only one shape is displayed in the Complexity Plot, its MPC (Modal Phase Colinearity) value is also displayed.

Flipping the Phases of the Right-Hand Shape

During Comparison Animation, if two similar shapes appear to be animating 180 degrees out of phase with one another, the phases of right hand shape can be changed by 180 degrees so that the two shapes animate more closely together.

To flip the sign of the right hand shape;

  1. Execute Animate | Compare Shapes | Flip Sign in the Structure window to multiply the right hand shape by "-1".

  2. Or rotate the normalization line on the Complexity Plot by dragging it to flip the phase of the shape components.