File | New Menu

File | New | Structure

Creates a new Structure file , adds it to the current Project, and opens an (empty) Structure window for the new file.

New (Empty) Structure window.

File | New | Data Block

Creates a new Data Block file and adds it to the currently open Project.

A Data Block window cannot be empty.  It must contain at least one M#..

When this command is executed, the following dialog box is opened allowing you to choose the type of synthesized time waveforms or Auto spectra to put into the new Data Block.

  1. Enter the desired Time Axis and Frequency Axis parameters

  2. Enter parameters into the Sinusoidal, Random, Chirp, Impact or Auto spectrum tab

  3. Click on OK to create a new Data Block file and open its window.

New Data Block Dialog Box.

Time Axis

Frequency Axis (FFT of Time Domain waveforms)

Time and Frequency Relationships

The following formulas are always enforced by the FFT algorithm.

Sinusoidal Tab

If this Tab is active, a new Data Block with sinusoidal waveforms in it is created.

Random Tab

If this is Tab active, a new Data Block with random time waveforms in it is created.  

Chirp Tab

If this is Tab active, a new Data Block with chirp (swept sine) waveforms in it is created.

Impact Tab

If this Tab is active, a new Data Block with one impact (pulse) waveform in it is created.  

Auto spectrum Tab

If this Tab is active, a new Data Block with an Auto spectrum in it is created.  

File | New | Shape Table

Creates a new Shape Table file and adds it to the current Project.  When this command is executed, the following dialog box will open.

Manual Shape Data Entry

File | New | Acquisition

Creates a new Acquisition window and adds it to the current Project.

New Acquisition windows can only be created if the VES-700 option is enabled by your ME'scope license

File | New | Report

Creates a new (empty) Report file and adds it to the current Project.

File | New | Script

Creates a new (empty) Script window and adds it to the current Project.