Display | Magnitude Ranking

Displays a Magnitude Ranking bar chart in a separate window

This command can be executed from a Data Block or Shape Table.

Data Block Magnitude Ranking

This bar chart displays the magnitudes of the measurement values at the current cursor position, or of all measurement values if no cursors are displayed.

Magnitude Ranking Chart.

Which Magnitudes Are Ranked?

If the Real part of the measurements is displayed, the Real parts are ranked.
If the Imaginary part of the measurements is displayed, the Imaginary parts are ranked.
Otherwise, the magnitudes of the measurements are ranked.

Magnitude Value

Shape Table Magnitude Ranking

This bar chart displays the magnitude of all (or selected) shape components (M#s), ordered from the largest to the smallest.

Shape Magnitude Ranking Chart.

Which Magnitudes Are Ranked?

If the Real parts of the M#s are displayed, the Real parts are ranked.
If the Imaginary parts of the M#s are displayed, the Imaginary parts are ranked.
Otherwise, the magnitudes of the M#s are ranked.

Magnitude Value