File Menu

This menu is also displayed when you right-click in the graphics area.

File | Save Acquisition

Saves the Acquisition file into the current Project file on disk.

File | Save Acquisition As...

Saves a copy of the Acquisition file with a new name into the current Project file on disk.

File | Save Graphics in File

Saves the upper and lower graphics areas into a disk file.

The upper and lower graphics areas can be saved in the JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP file formats.

File | Copy to Clipboard | Copy Graphics

Copies the upper and  lower graphics areas to the Windows Clipboard.

File | Copy to Clipboard | Copy M#s Spreadsheet

Copies the M#s spreadsheet of the active graphics area to the Windows Clipboard.

File | Copy to Clipboard | Copy Channels Spreadsheet

Copies the displayed Channels spreadsheet to the Windows Clipboard.

File | Print | Print Graphics

The installed Windows printer must be a graphics printer to use the commands in the Print menu

Prints the upper and lower graphics areas to the Windows printer.

File | Print | Print M#s Spreadsheet

Prints the M#s spreadsheet to the Windows printer.

File | Print | Channels Spreadsheet

Prints the Channels spreadsheet to the Windows printer.

File | Acquisition Properties

Opens the Acquisition window Properties box, showing the properties of the M#s in the active graphics area.

File | Acquisition Options

Opens the Acquisition Options box.

Acquisition Options Dialog Box.

File | Close Acquisition

Closes the Acquisition window.

Opening a Window

To open an Acquisition window in the Work Area,