File Menu

File | Save Data Block

Saves the Data Block file into the currently open Project file on disk.

File | Save Data Block As...

Saves a copy of the Data Block file with a new name into the currently open Project file on disk.

File | Save Graphics in a File

Saves the graphics area in the Data Block window into a file on disk.

Graphics files can be saved in the JPG, GIF, PNG or BMP file formats.

File | Export Data Block

Exports the measurement data in a Data Block to a disk file in an external file format.  When this command is executed, the Windows File Save As dialog box is opened,

Data Block File Export Dialog Box.

Exporting a UFF File

The table below shows the Data Set Types that are created when a Data Block is exported to a disk file in UFF format.


ME'scopeVES File

Type of Data

UFF Data Type

Structure (STR)

Structure Points and Lines

15 & 82

Shape Table (SHP)



Data Block (BLK)

Time Waveforms, FRFs, Transmissibility's, Auto & Cross Spectra, Fourier Spectra.



File | Copy to Clipboard Menu

Copy to Clipboard | Copy Graphics

Copies the graphics area to the Windows Clipboard.

Copy to Clipboard | Copy M#s Spreadsheet

Copies the M#s spreadsheet to the Windows Clipboard.

Copy to Clipboard | Copy M#s Data

Copies the measurement data values to the Windows Clipboard in the Data Block Spreadsheet format. (See Importing a Data Block in Spreadsheet Format for details.)

File | Print Menu

The installed Windows printer must be a graphics printer to use these commands.

File | Print | Graphics

Prints the Data Block graphics area to the Windows printer.

File | Print | M#s Spreadsheet

Prints the M#s spreadsheet to the Windows printer.

File | Data Block Properties

Opens the Data Block Properties dialog box, wherein you can edit several Data Block file properties.

Data Block Properties Box.

File | Data Block Options

Opens the Data Block Options box.

Many options take effect in the Data Block window as soon as they are chosen in the Data Block Options box.

Data Block Options Dialog Box.

Display Tab

Changes the following Data Block window properties

Contour Colors Tab

Used to define contour colors. Contour colors are used by the following commands;

Contours for Each Animation Group

Animation Groups are defined by entering names into the Animation Groups column of the M#s spreadsheet.

High & Low Contour Limits

High & Low Limits are entered into the High Limit and Low Limit boxes above and below the color bar.

Contours During Animation

Labels & Grids Tab

Displays different items in the graphics area.

Show/Hide Tab

Shows/hides columns of the M#s spreadsheet.

Animation Tab

During Sweep animation, the user-specified number of Sine Dwell Cycles per Shape is executed before proceeding to the next shape.

File | Close Data Block

Closes the Data Block window.

Opening a Window

To open a Data Block window in the Work Area,

  1. Double click on its name in either pane of the Project Panel.

  2. Or right click on its name in either pane of the Project Panel, and execute Open from the menu.