Animate | Compare Shapes Menu

This menu is enabled during shape comparison animation.

Compare Shapes | Flip Right Sign

Multiplies the right hand (comparison shape) by "-1" during Comparison Animation.

Flipping the Sign In a Complexity Plot (VES-4000 Modal Analysis option)

If two Animation Sources contain complex shapes, flipping the sign of the right-side comparison shape may not align them.  The Complexity Plot gives more control over the signs of shapes from an Animation Source.

During Comparison animation,

Compare Shapes | Closest Frequency/Time

Displays two shapes that are closest in frequency (or time) to one another during Comparison animation.

Compare Shapes | Maximum MAC (VES-4000 Modal Analysis option)

Displays two shapes with the maximum MAC value during Comparison animation.

Compare Shapes | Shape Difference

If checked, the right hand (comparison shape) is replaced with the difference between the right and left shapes during Comparison animation.

NOTE:  When this command is checked, the Animate | Amplitude commands only change the amplitude of the Shape Difference on the right hand (comparison shape)

Compare Shapes | Scale Relative To Left Shape

If checked during Comparison animation, the right-hand (comparison) shape is scaled relative to the left-hand (baseline) shape.